Learn Chinese Kitchen Words

By Sujanti Djuanda – LingoLearn Chinese Teacher

Learn kitchen words in Chinese

厨房(chú​fáng​) kitchen

冰箱(bīng​xiāng) refrigerator

碗柜(wǎn​guì) kitchen cupboard

火炉(huǒ​lú) stove

电炉(diàn​lú) electric stove

煤气炉(méi​qìlú) gas stove

米箱(mǐxiāng​) rice box

炒锅(chǎo​guō​) wok

炖锅(dùn​guō) stew pot

蒸锅(zhēng​guō) steamer

铛(chēng) frying pan, griddle

电饭锅(diàn​fàn​guō​) electric rice cooker

面包机(miàn​bāojī) bread maker

面包炉 (miàn​bāo​lú) bread oven

水果(shuǐ​guǒ​)榨汁机(zhà​zhī​jī) fruit juicer

洗碗机(xǐwǎnjī) dishwasher

微波炉(wēi​bō​lú) microwave oven


净水器(jìng​shuǐ​qì​) water purifier

自来水(zì​lái​shuǐ) tap water

矿泉水(kuàng​quán​shuǐ) mineral water

小餐刀(xiǎocān​dāo) dessert knife

水果(shuǐ​guǒ​)剥皮机(bāo​pí​jī) fruit peeler

汤匙(tāng​chí) soup spoon

叉子(chā​zi) fork

勺子(sháozi) spoon

茶匙(chá​chí) tea spoon

筷子(kuài​zi) chopstick

饭碗(fàn​wǎn) rice bowl

柈(pán) plate

茶壶(chá​hú) teapot

杯(bēi) cup

瓶(ping) bottle

橄榄油(gǎn​lǎn​yóu) olive oil

葵花油(kuí​huāyóu) sunflower oil

棕榈油(zōng​lǘ​yóu) palm oil

酱油(jiàng​yóu) soy sauce

蚝油(háo​yóu) oyster sauce

番茄酱(fān​qié​jiàng​) tomato sauce

辣椒酱(​là​jiāojiàng​) chili sauce

胡椒(hú​jiāo) pepper

大蒜(dà​suàn) garlic

葱头(cōng​tóu) onion

香菜(xiāng​cài) coriander,cilantro

黄油(huáng​yóu) butter

花生酱(huā​shēng​jiàng) peanut butter

味精(wèi​jīng) monosodium glutamate (MSG)

奶酪(nǎi​lào) cheese

冰糖(bīng​tang) crystal sugar

白糖(bái​tang) white sugar

盐(yán​) salt

面粉(miàn​fěn) flour

苋菜(xiàn​cài​) Chinese spinach (Amaranth mangostanus)

蕹菜(wèng​cài) water spinach

菜板(cài​bǎn) cutting board

胡萝卜(hú​luó​bo) carrot

鸡蛋(jī​dàn) (chicken) egg

鸭蛋(yādàn) duck egg

鹌鹑(ān​chúndàn) quail egg

煮蛋(zhǔ​dàn) boiled egg

炒蛋(chǎo​dàn) scrambled egg

炒饭(chǎo​fàn​) fried rice

煎鱼(jiānyú​) pan fry fish

厨房(chú​fang)安全(ān​quán)手套(shǒu​tào) kitchen safety gloves

擦碗布(cā​wǎn​bù) dish cloth

擦地布(cā​dì​bù) floor cloth

水桶(shuǐ​tǒng) bucket

扫把(sào​bǎ) broom

垃圾桶(lā​jī​tǒng) trash can

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