Similar Chinese Characters with the Same Pronunciation and Different Meanings – Part 2

By Sujanti Djuanda – LingoLearn Chinese Teacher 

Chinese language has similar characters with the same pronunciation and different meanings. Here the examples:

1a. 啡(fēi) (phonetic component)
b.非(fēi) not
据我所知(jùwǒsuǒzhī), 如果(rúguǒ)晚(wǎn)睡(shuì)或(huò)喝(hē)咖啡(kāfēi)非常(fēicháng)晚(wǎn)的话(dehuà),就(jiù)会(huì)使(shǐ)生物钟(shēngwùzhōng)紊乱(wěnluàn)。

2a. 馆(guǎn) shop, building
b.管(guǎn) to manage

3a. 源(yuán) source
b.原(yuán) original
我(wǒ)一(yī)查(chá)才(cái)知道(zhīdào),原来(yuánlái)网上(wǎngshàng)资源(zīyuán)多(duō)到(dào)晕(yūn), 还有(háiyǒu)这么(zhème)多(duō)秘密(mìmì)。

4a. 圆(yuán) circle
b.员(yuán) employee

5a. 到(dào) until (a time)
b.倒(dào) contrary to what one might expect

6a. 淑(shū) warm and virtuous
b.叔(shū) uncle

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