Learning Chinese Exercises 7: Chinese Words for Finish, Complete, and End  

By Sujanti Djuanda – LingoLearn Chinese Teacher

Before you do the following exercises, you can read the description “Chinese Words for Finish, Complete, and End        : 完成(wánchéng),结束(jiéshù), Verb +好(hǎo) (or 完(wán)) ” first.

I. Answer these questions

1. What do you think about these sentences?

a. 伦敦(Lún​dūn​)奥运会(Ào​yùn​huì)结束(jié​shù)后(hòu),英国(Yīng​guó)人民(rén​mín)都(dōu)会(huì​)唱(chàng)义勇军(yì​yǒng​jūn​) 曲(qǔ)了(le)。

b. 伦敦(Lún​dūn​)奥运会(Ào​yùn​huì)完成(wánchéng)后(hòu),英国(Yīng​guó)人民(rén​mín)都(dōu)会(huì​)唱(chàng)义勇军(yì​yǒng​jūn​) 曲(qǔ)了(le)。

2. What do you think about these sentences?

a. 这么(zhè​me)多(duō)任务(rèn​wu)我(wǒ)还(hái)没(méi)结束(jiéshù),要(yào)赶快(gǎn​kuài)完成(wánchéng)了(le)。

b. 这么(zhè​me)多(duō)任务(rèn​wu)我(wǒ)还(hái)没(méi)结束(jiéshù),要(yào)赶快(gǎn​kuài) 结束(jiéshù)了(le)。

c. 这么(zhè​me)多(duō)任务(rèn​wu)我(wǒ)还(hái)没(méi)完成(wánchéng),要(yào)赶快(gǎn​kuài)完成(wánchéng)了(le)。

d. 这么(zhè​me)多(duō)任务(rèn​wu)我(wǒ)还(hái)没(méi)做(zuò)好(hǎo),要(yào)赶快(gǎn​kuài) 完成(wánchéng)了(le)。

3. What do you think about these sentences?

a. 年度(nián​dù) 总结(zǒng​jié)报告(bào​gào)写(xiě)好(hǎo)了(le)吗(ma)?

b. 年度(nián​dù) 总结(zǒng​jié)报告(bào​gào) 结束(jiéshù)了(le)吗(ma)?

c. 年度(nián​dù) 总结(zǒng​jié)报告(bào​gào) 完成(wánchéng)了(le)吗(ma)?

4. What do you think about these sentences?

a. 会议(huì​yì​)完成(wánchéng)后(hòu)委员(wěi​yuán)们(men)在大会堂(dà​huì táng)前(qián)合影(hé​yǐng​)。

b. 会议(huì​yì​)结束(jié​shù​)后(hòu)委员(wěi​yuán)们(men)在大会堂(dà​huì táng)前(qián)合影(hé​yǐng​)。

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