Exercise: Chinese Restaurant Words

By Sujanti Djuanda – LingoLearn Chinese Teacher

I. Fill the blank with the right word

1. Waiter, is there a menu?

服务员(fú​wù​yuán), 有(yǒu )……..吗(ma)?

a. 买单(mǎi​dān)

b. 客户(kè​hù)

c. 菜单(càidān)

d. 打折(dǎ​zhé)

2. I would like to eat Tofu Puff with Vermicelli Soup


a. 北京烤鸭(Běi​jīng​kǎo​yā)

b. 宫保鸡丁(gōng​bǎo​jī​dīng)

c. 麻婆豆腐(má​pó​dòu​fǔ)

d. 油(yóu)豆腐(dòu​fu)粉丝(fěn​sī)汤(tāng)

3. I like Sausage Stir-Fried Rice Noodles and Hainan Chicken Rice


a. 腊肠(làcháng)炒(chǎo)河粉(héfěn), 海南(Hǎinán)鸡饭(jī fàn)

b. 猪肉炖粉条(zhū​ròu​dùn fěn​tiáo) , 午餐肉(wǔ​cān ròu​)炒(chǎo)西兰花(xī​lán​huā)

c. 兰州(Lán​zhōu)牛肉(niú​ròu​)拉面(lā​miàn) ,麻辣烫(má​là​tang)

d. 莲藕(lián​’ǒu)花生(huā​shēng)猪骨(zhūgǔ)汤(tāng), 蘑菇(mó​gu)豆腐(dòu​fu)汤(tāng)

4. Every morning I eat fried Dough Stick and Porridge

我(wǒ)每天(měi​tiān​)早上(zǎo​shang)吃(chī )….

a. 燕窝(yàn​wō)粥(zhōu)

b. 油条(yóu​tiáo)粥(zhōu)

c. 肉夹馍(ròu​jiā​mó)

d. 馒头(mán​tou)

5. The dimsum I most like is laver pork floss egg roll

我(wǒ)最(zuì)喜欢(xǐ​huan​)的(de)点心(diǎn​xin) 是(shì​)

a. 烧卖(shāo​mài​)

b. 蛋卷(dànjuǎn)肉松(​ròu​sōng)

c. 鲜虾(xiān xiā)饺子(jiǎo​zi​)

d. 小笼包(xiǎo​lóng​bāo)

6. Do you like soy milk or green tea?

你(nǐ)喜欢(xǐ​huan)….. 还是(hái​shi)….?

a. 豆浆(dòu​jiāng),  绿茶(lǜ​chá)

b. 奶茶(nǎi​chá) , 红茶(hóng​chá)

c. 铁观音(Tiě​guān​yīn​), 乌龙茶(wū​lóng​chá​)

d. 菊花茶(jú​huā​chá) , 龙井茶(lóng​jǐng​chá​)

7. I would like to drink non-alcoholic grape wine.



b. 绿茶(lǜchá)

c. 葡萄酒(pú​tao​jiǔ)

d. 健怡可乐(Jiàn​yí​ Kě​lè​)

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