Chinese Words Related to Money

By Sujanti Djuanda – LingoLearn Chinese Teacher

Chinese words for money and finance

1. 钱(qián) money

2. 金融(jīn​róng) finance

Chinese Currency words:

$1n  人民币(rénmínbì) Renmingbi (RMB)

$1n  元(yuán=Yuan)

$1n  块钱(kuài qián) Yuan or RMB (informal)

$1n  毛(máo)  0.1 Yuan (unit of money) – informal

$1n  角(jiǎo) 0.1 Yuan (unit of money) – formal

$1n  分(fēn​)0.01 Yuan (unit of money)

Chinese Words related to Money:

$1n  多少钱(duōshǎo qián)?How much money?

$1n  价钱(jiàqián) price

$1n  贵(guì) expensive

$1n  便宜(piányi) cheap

$1n  买(​mǎi) to buy

$1n  卖(mài) to sell

$1n  付钱(fù qián) to pay

$1n  换钱(huàn​qián) to exchange money

$1n  找钱(zhǎo​qián) to give change

$1n  借钱(jiè​qián) to lend money

$1n  花钱(huāqián) to spend money

$1n  省钱(shěngqián) to save money

$1n  刷卡(shuākǎ) to swipe a card

$1n  取钱(qǔqián) to withdraw money

$1n  转账(zhuǎnzhàng) to transfer (money to a bank account)

$1n  存钱(cún​qián) to deposit money

$1n  现金(xiàn​jīn) cash

$1n  零钱(língqián) small change

Chinese words for Cards, ATM and Bank Accounts:

$1n  信用卡(xìnyòngkǎ) credit card

$1n  借记卡(jièjìkǎ) debit card

$1n  银行卡(yín​háng​kǎ) ATM Card, Bank Card

$1n  银联卡(Yínlián kǎ) China UnionPay Card

$1n  自动取款机(zìdòngqǔkuǎnjī) Automated Teller Machine (ATM)

$1n  银行(yínhang)账户(zhànghù)  Bank Account

$1n  外汇(wàihuì)银行(yínhang)账号 (zhànghào) Foreign Bank Account

Chinese words related to market

$1n  市场(shì​chǎng) market

$1n  市场价(shì​chǎng​jià​) market price

$1n  市场竞争(shì​chǎng​jìng​zhēng) market competition

$1n  菜市场(cài​shì​chǎng) food market

$1n  股市(gǔshì) stock market

$1n  推销(tuī​xiāo) to market

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