Chinese Word for Why

为什么(wèishénme=why), 怎么(zěnme=why) and凭什么(píngshénme=why) – By Sujanti Djuanda

I. 为什么(wèishénme=why) is used when you ask the reason or purpose of something. (You just want to know the answer, not judge it – most subjective).

Example 1:

Why the bird can fly?

S +为什么(wèishénme=why) + Modal V + V ?


IIa. 怎么(zěnme=how come, why) can be used when you are not satisfied about something, or complain at the surprising situation. It is often used with 这么(zhème).

Example 1a:

How can this restaurant be so irresponsible? (the speaker is not satisfied about something, or complain at the surprising situation)

这(zhè=this)家(jiā=a measure word for restaurants)饭店(fàn​diàn=restaurant​)怎么(zěn​me=why)这么(zhème=so)不(bù=not)负责任(fù​zé​rèn= irresponsible)?

Compare with 1b:

这(zhè=this)家(jiā=a measure word for restaurants)饭店(fàn​diàn=restaurant​)为什么(wèishénme=why)这么(zhème=so)不(bù=not)负责任(fù​zé​rèn=irresponsible)?(the speaker just wants to know the answer)

b. 怎么(zěnme=how come, why) can also be used when you don’t believe and really curious how come/why someone can do the bad thing.

Example 1a:

Why she always investigate me? (The speaker doesn’t believe why she can do the bad thing)

S+ 怎么 + (这么) + V+ O

她(tā=she)怎么(zěnme=how come)老是(lǎoshi=always)调查(diàochá=investigate)我(wǒ=I)?

Compare with Example 1b:

她(tā=she)为什么(wèishénme=why)老是(lǎoshi=always)调查(diàochá=investigate)我(wǒ=I)?(The speaker just wants to know the answer)

c. 怎么(zěnme=how come, why) can also be used when you don’t believe and really curious how come/why someone can do this thing (not bad thing)

Example 1a:

How he can learn ballet?

他(tā=he​)怎么(zěn​me=why)学(xué=to learn)芭蕾舞(bāléiwǔ=ballet)?

The speaker thinks, it’s impossible that he can learn ballet. The speaker doesn’t believe and really curious how come he can learn it.

Compare Example 1b:

他(tā=he​)为什么(wèishénme=why)学(xué=to learn)芭蕾舞(bāléiwǔ=ballet)? (the speaker just want to know the reason)

d. 怎么(zěnme) can means ‘how’ but 为什么(wèishénme=why) cannot.’

Example 1:

How do I get to the post office?

到(dào=to go)邮局(yóujú=post office)怎么(zěnme=how)走(zǒu=to walk)?

You cannot say:

到(dào=to go)邮局(yóujú=post office)为什么(wèishénme=why)走(zǒu=to walk)?

III. 凭什么(píng​shén​me=why,for which reason) is used when someone is angry because s/he thinks you don’t have the right/power to do something in this way.

Example 1a:

He is not my dad, why is he trying to control me? (angry)

他(tā=he)又(yòu= used for emphasis)不是(bù​shì=is not)我(wǒ=I​)爸(bà=dad), (他(tā=he))凭什么(píng​shén​me=why)管(guǎn=to control)我(wǒ=I​)?

Compare with Example 1b:

他(tā=he)为什么(wèi​shén​me=why) 管(guǎn=to control)我(wǒ=I)?(The speaker just wants to know the answer).

Compare with Example 1c:

他(tā=he) 怎么(zěnme)管(guǎn=to control)我(wǒ=I)? (The speaker doesn’t believe and really curious how come/why he did this thing)

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