Chinese Words for Finish, Complete, and End : 完成 (wánchéng),结束 (jiéshù), Verb + 好 (hǎo) (or 完 (wán))

By Sujanti Djuanda – LingoLearn Chinese Teacher

I. “完成(wánchéng=to complete, to finish)” is used when people asks you (or you ask yourself) to do the task or assignment and you must complete it according to the scheduled target.

Example 1a:

If my task does not complete this week, then I am about to get a deduction from my salary. (the task)

这个星期(zhè​gexīng​qī=this week)我的(wǒde=my)任务(rèn​wu=task)不(bù=not)完成(wán​chéng=to finish)的话(de​huà=if​),就要(jiù​yào= to be about to)扣(kòu=to deduct)薪水(xīn​shuǐ=salary)了(le)。

Example 2

The student who completes the presentation very first, just hand it in to the teacher. (the task)

PPT最先(zuì​xiān=very first)完成(wán​chéng=finish)的(de)交(jiāo=to hand over)给(gěi=for)老师(lǎo​shī=teacher)。

  1. 结束(jiéshù=to end) is used when the event. (the event has start and end time).

Example 1

The radio program already ended.


Example 2:

In three days, the mass passenger transportation during the Spring festival is about to end. (the event)

再(zài=again)过(guò=to pass)3(sān)天(tiān=day),春运(chūn​yùn=Spring festifal)就要(jiù​yào​=to be about to)结束(jié​shù=to end)了(le)。

IIIa. Verb + 好(hǎo= to finish) or 完(wán=to finish) is a common way to say ‘finishing thing.’ Here好(hǎo) and完(wán) are interchangeable.

Example 1a:

I finished my lunch.

我(wǒ=I)午餐(wǔ​cān=lunch)吃(chī=eat)好(hǎo=to finish)(or 完(wán=to finish))了(le)。

Compare with Example 1b:

My lunch diet has finished. (You ask yourself to do the diet task)

我的(wǒde=my)減肥(jiǎn​féi=to lose weight) 午餐(wǔcān=lunch)完成(wán​chéng=to finish​)了(le)。

Compare with Example 1c:

The free lunch already ended. (the event)

免费(miǎn​fèi=free)午餐(wǔ​cān=lunch)已经(yǐ​jīng=already)结束(jié​shù=to end)了(le)。

b) Verb + 好(hǎo) means ‘well finished ‘ or ‘did a good job’ (satisfactory condition) and Verb + 完 means ‘finished’ (the completion of an action).

Example 1a

I finished writing my homework but it’s very illegible.

我(wǒ=I)作业(zuò​yè=homework)写(xiě=to write)完(wán=to finish)了(le),可是(kě​shì=but​)写(xiě​=to write)得(de)很(hěn=very)潦草(liáo​cǎo =illegible (of handwriting))。

Compare with Example 1b:

I well-finished writing my homework but I forgot to hand it over to the teacher.

作业(zuò​yè=homework)写(xiě=to write)好(hǎo= well-finished)了(le),可是(kě​shì=but​)我(wǒ=I)忘(wàng=to forget)了(le)交(jiāo=to hand over) 。

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