Chinese Idioms (Chengyu) and Meanings – Part 6

By Sujanti Djuanda – LingoLearn Chinese Teacher

1. 朝思暮想(zhāosīmùxiǎng) to yearn for sth day and night)

2.推三阻四(tuīsānzǔsì) to use all sorts of excuses


3. 高枕无忧(gāozhěnwúyōu) to sleep peacefully


现在(xiànzài)我们(wǒmen)可以(kěyǐ)高枕无忧(gāozhěnwúyōu)一段(yī duàn)时间(shíjiān)了(le)。

4. 他乡遇故知(tāxiāngyùgùzhī) meeting an old friend in a foreign place

午后(wǔhòu)在(zài)一家(yījiā)咖啡店(kāfēidiàn)里(lǐ), 真(zhēn)没想到(méixiǎngdào)他乡遇故知(tāxiāngyùgùzhī)。更(gèng)没想到(méixiǎngdào)的(de)是(shì),她的(tāde)到来(dàolái),竟(jìng)帮(bāng)我(wǒ)解决(jiějué)了(le)难题(nántí)。

5. 可想而知(kěxiǎng’érzhī) it is obvious that… , as one can well imagine…



6. 朝气蓬勃(zhāo​qì​péng​bó) full of youthful energy



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