Chinese Exercise 69: The Order of Sentences

By Sujanti Djuanda – LingoLearn Chinese Teacher

Arrange the Sentences into Good Order

1. Butterfly pupa is divided to two kinds, winter pupa and summer pupa.

蛹(yǒng) – 越冬(yuèdōng) – 分(fēn)- 蛹(yǒng) – 种(zhǒng) – 夏季(xiàjì) -蝴蝶(húdié) -两(liǎng) -和(hé) -蛹(yǒng)

2. She is a typical of village girl, kindhearted also very diligent.

还(hái) – 善良(shànliáng) – 的(de) – 典型(diǎnxíng) – 一(yī) – 而且(ér​qiě) – 很(hěn) – 是(shì) – 女孩(nǚ​hái) – 勤劳(qínláo) – 她(tā) -农村(nóngcūn) – 位(wèi)

3. When the caterpillar is young, it eats a lot, they eat leaves, insects, log of wood even other caterpillars.

叶子(yèzi) – 它(tā) – 很(hěn) – 别的(bié​de) – 小(xiǎo) –  多(duō) –  吃(chī) – 木头(mùtou) – 毛毛虫(máomaochóng) – 毛毛虫(máomaochóng) – 昆虫(kūnchóng) – 吃(chī) -甚至(shènzhì)

4. In the first day of Chinese new year, everyone one after another go out through the family clan, congratulate each other, and celebrate it together.

走出(zǒu​chū) – 便(biàn) – 家门(jiā​mén) – 大家(dà​jiā) – 纷纷(fēnfēn) – 互相(hùxiāng) – 大年初一(dàniánchūyī) – 庆祝(qìngzhù) – 一起(yī​qǐ)  – 道贺(dàohè)

5. We hope a blessing come our own houses, a whole year will be smoothly and lucky.

来到(lái​dào) – 都(dōu) – 自己(zì​jǐ) – 福气(fú​qi) – 希望(xī​wàng) – 一年(yīnián) – 吉祥(jí​xiáng) – 我们(wǒ​men) -顺利(shùn​lì) -家里(jiā​lǐ)

6.  Now people love to plant any love trees, but the tree that you gave her to plant are precious than those trees.

的(de) – 但(dàn) – 什么(shén​me) – 给(gěi) – 种(zhòng) – 爱情树(ài​qíngshù) – 珍贵(zhēnguì) – 喜欢(xǐ​huan) -你(nǐ) –  她(tā) –  树(shù)- 人(rén) – 多(duō) – 现在(xiàn​zài) – 那些(nà​xiē) – 种(zhòng) – 树(shù) -比(bǐ) -了(le)

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