English Level Test

Please take a moment to complete this quiz.

I ________ happy.
1 out of 18
We __________ busy with preparations for the party this morning.
2 out of 18
My friends ________ part in the event yesterday.
3 out of 18
What are you ____________ ?
4 out of 18
The game starts _________ 5 o'clock.
5 out of 18
I'll have ________ egg please.
6 out of 18
What do you see in the picture?
7 out of 18
I can't take ____________ to school today.
8 out of 18
Where __________ your mother live?
9 out of 18
I have _________ seen that movie.
10 out of 18
She dances _________.
11 out of 18
This car is ________ .
12 out of 18
The boys in the picture are wearing _______ hats.
13 out of 18
I don't have __________ money to give you.
14 out of 18
These technicians work in a power _________ .
15 out of 18
Please put some _____________ on the salad.
16 out of 18
The boys in the picture are ________.
17 out of 18
I'm not _____________ with the results of the inquiry.
18 out of 18

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